Monday, June 29, 2009

A Woman's Trash is Another Woman's Treasure

Have you ever looked at your wardrobe - full of clothes but you feel like you have nothing to wear? I think everybody has - well, every woman, especially those who love shopping. You can actually turn them into cash - thanks to eBay. I would recommend eBay if the items are known brands (eg Bardot, Sportsgirl, Witchery, etc), in good conditions and the shipping is easy. But if the items are a bit worn out or you don't care if how much money you can get from them but you don't feel like throwing them away - try selling them at a flea market! You might get a little bit of fun too!

Last Sunday was my second time selling in Camberwell Market. I didn't have many items to sell as I already donated most of them to Salvos when I moved to my new apartment. Just one bag full of clothes and 2 pairs of shoes - and two handbags.
After only 2 hours of sleep, I got myself ready, making myself as warm as I could - wearing what's so called "long john" and the thickest jacket I could find in the wardrobe.

It was almost 6am and cold, we're waiting for the taxi to come. We were so thrilled when we saw a maxi cab arriving. Without any word, we started loading our stuffs to the cab. Once we're inside the cab, the taxi driver asked us if we're going to the airport. We said no and the driver looked puzzled. After checking with the taxi center, it turned out that it was actually someone else's cab! What a great start! So we unloaded our stuffs out from the cab.
After a long wait, our cab finally arrived. This time we didn't forget to confirm first before we loaded our stuffs into the cab.

It was still dark when we arrived there. We hired two long tables and two racks. Before we even finished setting up our stalls, some people with flashlights came and had quick looks at our stuffs. Most of them were after electronics.

8am - some items were already sold. It was getting colder each minute, that's what my feet felt - and Pakne's. We were sitting and trying our best to make them warm. I couldn't care less about my stuffs. Maybe it was because of the shoes that we're wearing

The cold was getting unbearable so I went to Woolworths - thanks to Nonoh who accompanied me. I spent almost half an hour standing in front of the roast chicken section, just to touch the display glass. I didn't feel good.
When we got back to our stalls, there was sunshine. YEAY! And more people were coming to our stalls. Cring cring the purchases were made. If there's an award for seller of the day - it's got to be Marsia. She sold very cute shirts which I myself would love to wear.

Those wanting to rent a stall at Camberwell Market, just visit the website Trading starts at 5:30am til 12:30pm. Book in advance, as it is usually fully booked - it could take at least 4 weeks before the day.


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