The thing is that when I am sad I tend to eat. I turn to food for comforts. I eat because I feel empty inside. I am trying to fill the void by eating. But it got me even worse. I feel depressed in the end - feeling like a useless fat bitch.
Well so I decided to go on this lemon detox diet again. This time I'll do it in the optimum way : two weeks. I've gone through this diet before and I realized that once I did it successfully the other day, I managed to take control of myself - having a healthy lifestyle - well even though it was just for a few months. This time I hope I can make it for life. *fingers crossed*
Weight : 55.7 kg
9am : I woke up and try to drink the sea salt water. I was never successful in drinking the whole litre so I tried to use the trick I found in some website. Drink 200ml of warm water + sea salt water then try to drink the rest of the 800ml warm water. I tried that and I FELT SO SICK @_@ I got an instant headache and the taste of the sea salt water is like soooo BAD. SO BAD SO BAD SO BAD. So bad that I felt like vomiting.
3pm : I got hungry. I picked up my Soundwave tickets at the post office. Then I picked up my Black Eyed Peas tickets at the Ticketek outlet. I really can't wait for Green Day ! :D

6pm : Went home and took a hot shower. My hands got cold. Turned the heater on and watched How I Met Your Mother
9pm : I had the tea. I am going to go to bed soon.
Weight : 54.8 kg
I slept for 12 hours last night. I woke up at around 9.30am and I felt better. I made another batch of sea salt water and it tasted so BAD like yesterday. I didn't feel as hungry as what I felt yesterday.
But when I went outside I felt the urge to eat. But I handled it pretty well. I went to bathroom more frequently because I drank so much water.
I'm gonna drink my tea and go to sleep.
Weight : 53.6 kg
10.30am : another 1 litre of sea salt water *almost puke* but this time I could finished one whole litre! YEAY me!
1pm : I baked some profiteroles and damn I couldn't taste it :(
I AM HUNGRY and felt like giving up but I didn't! 11 days to go.. Geez..
Weight : 53.2 kg
It was the worst day yet of the detox program. I had a dream where I was eating a bowl of meatballs. So the next morning I woke up, I was hungry and really wanted to eat. I felt low on energy and really cold. So I turned my heater on and wrapped myself in a blanket but still felt cold. I did some baking to get my mind off of eating and it was quite successful, which was ironic.
I felt so weak...
Weight : 52.9 kg
I felt happy because I realized that my stomach was not as big as it used to be. But got disappointed because the weight loss is getting less and less. If you notice, I almost lost a kilogram the first day I was on the program. Then 800g and half a kilo and today only 300g.
And there was this weird thing : I kept asking everyone what they ate. I watched my sister eating those snack. I was looking at recipe books just to stare at the food and want to cook it (I might as well eat it)... Now I'm concerned about me losing control at eating once I finish this program. Well I really hope not.
Weight : 52.2 kg
COLD. I felt COLD despite the sunshine outside.
The weight scale must be joking when I weighed myself this morning. I gained 0.2 kg! I don't know why but I hate gaining weight ! :(
So I cut down the amount of maple syrup into my drinks this morning. It was supposed to be 140ml but I made it 100ml.
At this stage, I don't feel hungry at all. But there is the urge to eat. I want to taste some food :( I miss food! :(
Weight : 52.4kg
TOTAL LOSS : 4.3 kg in 8 days
ikutan diet aahhh..
btw, lemon detox drink-nya kamu beli ato bikin sendiri? katanya bisa kan bikin sendiri? pengen kuyuuusssss nihhh
PS: It's Grace huauhauha..
yukkkkkk hahahaha itu aku beli syrupnya ama cayenne pepper. sebox gt kira2 90an deh seingetku. aku beli d bourke st. d box hill jg ada sih. itu trus dicampur ama lemon. bkin sndiri minumannya. dulu aku mayan bs turun banyak lohh tpi abis gt msti jaga makan jg kalo ga naek lgiii.. yok diet bareng2 ahahahah cmn kmu gk ada maag kan? tekanan darah tinggi gk?
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