Thursday, September 24, 2009

Cockroaches Hysteria

If one day God magically appears in front of me and ask "If I could make one creature disappear, what creature do you want me to kill off forever and why?". I'd undoubtedly reply "COCKROACHES please!". And that's because they are the most disgusting creatures on earth and they have no use at all! Okay I am sorry if any of you are cockroaches-lovers. Excuse me for being too harsh on cockroaches but I really hate them from the bottom of my heart! I was born to hate them. I was meant to hate them. It is destiny.

With their long bodies, long antennas, tiny feathery feet and SHINY bodies OMG how can you not get phobic to those things?? And some of them can fly! They can get stuck in your ears too!
They are capable of spreading viruses thingies. Maybe like salmonella or something (I read it somewhere on the internet). I got a strange phobia with cockroaches. I am a cockroachphobic (i don't know if it's a word but you get what i mean, don't you?)

I had a long old feud with cockroaches back in Indonesia. I don't know since when or why but here's what I can remember :

I was walking to my living room to watch some TV when I felt there's something on the back of my neck. I tried to make it go away by grabbing it. And when it fell to the floor and there I saw it. I screamed like I was seeing ghosts and pleading for my maid to kill it. Even though the cockroach is killed and thrown away to the garbage, I still could feel it all over my body. For days.

I was getting ready for school - I had my breakfast - I put some socks on. When I put my shoes on, it felt not right. All of a sudden, a cockroach appeared from the shoe where I step my foot on and it went right up to my thigh. I was in so much shock and excessive fear that I screamed and literally rolling on the floor with my feet kicking the air. I was crying and screaming. My dad was panicking and thought I got some electric shock or something. He got angry at me for being too dramatic but then laughed at me. And I kept crying.

I was afraid of sleeping in my bedroom alone. It was haunted. I am not kidding but it was haunted. So I slept on some mattress on the floor in my parents' room. I was maybe half-asleep when I felt something walking on my hands then to my arms. I spontaneously got up screaming - thinking that it must be a cockroach. AND I WAS RIGHT! It was a cockroach! Again I cried and my mom was the hero that night. My dad chickened out and my mom stepped up and killed the cockroach.

Well my dad also hates cockroaches. Whenever he saw one, he would use up one full bottle of Baygon. There once he found a flying cockroach and he didn't know that it could fly. When it first time flew, my dad was terrified and fell sitting on his butt. I and my sister were watching from afar and we laughed so hard. We weren't being disrespectful or mean but it was really funny!

In the middle of a night, my maid knocked on my parents' door and crying. She was in so much pain. She said that her ear was hurting so bad and she felt pretty sure that "something" got inside her ear. So we went to doctors and guess what? It was a cockroach! The doctor found a cockroach dead inside the ear. OMG I felt so sick. I guess it's best to plug your ear with iPod while sleeping. Safety comes first.

There was one night when I was alone at my home in Indonesia. My maid was going back to her home. My parents were attending some kind of party. I was chatting on MSN on when a cockroach suddenly walked passing on my table! I was screaming in horror but at that time no one could help! I called my mom and dad and they couldn't hear what I was saying because the party was so loud! So I texted them. I got angry at them for leaving me alone at home. I knew it was stupid. But I was in so much horror. I spent hours alone at my home with a bottle of Baygon on my hand - staying alerted for any cockroach. Or maybe I was paranoid : eyes open wide and even the slightest sound or movement can jerk me out. Not really alerted.

I had never seen cockroaches in Melbourne. It is one of the reasons why I love Melbourne. Cockroach-free. Just when I thought so, I saw one this morning. I was in a hurry to pee (since I drank a lot of water) then I saw this very BLACK cockroach. I didn't know what to do. I was alone at home. I knew my sis was having tutorials. I immediately called Nonoh just to get some company. I really wanted to cry because I knew I was helpless. I needed to do it myself. I had no insect spray and I got no broom! Then vacuum cleaner came accross my mind. I turned my phone off, trying to call my sis but as I had expected she didn't pick up the phone. I grabbed the vacuum cleaner and when I got back to the toilet. It's gone!! Geez I hate this feeling! Not knowing where your enemy is is the worst feeling ever! Knowing that it can attack you anytime unexpectedly can drive you insane. So I kicked the door hoping that the cockroach would get shocked and run. But nothing. I turned the vacuum cleaner ON - even the sound of the vacuum cleaner made me jerking out. Then I waited patiently til I saw it coming. It was hiding behind the toilet. I waited for the right time and I sucked it into my vacuum cleaner while screaming. I didn't turn it off. I was afraid that if I turned it off the cockroach would crawl back and got back his freedom. There's no way I could let that happen. Then Nonoh told me to wrap around the vacuum cleaner head with a plastic bag. I tried to do it with the vacuum ON but the plastic got sucked up so I really needed to turn it OFF. I turned it OFF and quickly wrap it with a plastic bag.

But I was left feeling paranoid. Trembling. What if the cockroach somehow manage to crawl back? What if it already bred somewhere? Where did it come from anyway? Only God knows...


Anonymous said...

jd kecoaknya km vacuum lu?
emg vacuum km modelnya yg kaya apa neh?klo model yg kantong didlm nya dr kertas serem donk lu...tar klo kecoak e ngerikiti kantong nya isa sobek lak an kantong nya...hehee...


proudweirdo said...

ahahaha iya nih yuuuu.. vakum aku tuh yg pake kertas.... mati dheeee.. duhh aku ga brani pegang2 tu vakum jdnyaa.. ntar besok ni si andre mau ksini bantuin buka vacuum cleanernya. mg2 mati dehhhhh T_____T

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